Adventures of Senor Gato ipa v1.4

Adventures of Senor Gato ipa v1.4
Adventures of Senor Gato ipa v1.4
Category: Games
Aug 25, 2011
Version: 1.4
19.3 MB
Seller: M2 Studios

© 2011 M2 Studios All Rights Reserved


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

The Adventures of Senor Gato!

Senor Gato has been swindled. All of his money was taken and he was tricked into a vacation that doesn't exist.

Help Senor Gato get through his amazing adventure to the USA!

What do poo throwing bigfoots, chupacabres, home made rockets, flesh eating vultures, axe throwing rats, and aliens have in common? You guessed it, this game.

This is an adventure of a lifetime!

Will Senor Gato make it home? Or will he be caught by the mysterious donkey that is chasing him?

What's new in Version 1.4
Improved Button
Improved Splash Screen

Adventures of Senor Gato ipa v1.4

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