Strong's KJV 2010 ipa v3.0.2


King James Version (KJV) Bible with direct links to Strong's Concordance Definitions.

***Exclusive to the 2010 Version***
* True concordance, where word definitions have list of verses in which word appears.
* Advanced bookmark management
* Phrase searching
* Note taking
* Bible reading history

Read the KJV as you normally would and touch a word you'd like to look up, where you'll be taken directly to the Strong's definition for the word.

Easily search the Bible with type-ahead word searching and load Strong's definitions directly by entering the number.

Coming to the 2010 version in the future (not necessarily in this order):
* Verse tagging
* Interlinear view of Greek and Hebrew
* Suggestions?

What's new in Version 3.0.2
Fixed bug that made application not run on CDMA phones (e.g. Verizon)

Category: Reference
Strong's KJV 2010 ipa v3.0.2
Strong's KJV 2010 ipa v3.0.2
Aug 29, 2011
Version: 3.0.2
28.7 MB
Seller: Brian Webb

© Copyright (c) 2010, Brian T. Webb


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

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